Our Services

We’re here to help.


Many people suffer from lung conditions that adversely impact their lives for months or years before seeking treatment. We’re dedicated to quickly and efficiently diagnosing your lung condition and providing a comprehensive treatment plan for recovery and resolution. Our highly skilled specialists and team members provide compassionate care for general pulmonary health and specialized pulmonary health including complex case reviews, interventional procedures, and ancillary services like pulmonary function testing, allergy testing, home sleep testing, respiratory monitoring, and much more.

Services We Provide:


Learn about our Pulmonary Services


Learn about our Interventional Pulmonary Services

Request An Appointment


Phone: 813-853-0500
Fax: 813-570-6357



Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5pm



602 S. Audobon Ave., Suite B
Tampa, Florida 33609

1901 Havorford Ave, Suite 111
Sun City, FL 33573